lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Finished Chrysler Building project

As I told you guys, here is the final project. Its waaaay bigger than the other one and I have changed some colors that did not work out in the first one.
Now, I want to talk about the effects i discovered using the markers. If you notice the dot stars have an "aura" glowing around, Initially one may think because they are markers one cannot use them mix colors, but this is totally wrong. I used the yellow marker to make the effect as if the stars are shining and it looked totally right. Also I mixed colors such as turquoise and light purple to create awesome new ones!. Finally to paint the clouds I colored them in circular movement passing many times over the same spot, which helped creating texture, on the other side, for the light rays I made quick parallel lines lines. By the way, I used prismacolor markers, excellent ones.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Chrysler Building art project

I am finishing my first art project for the senior year!! I want to show you a first draft on my sketch book:
This is the first draft only, but i am almost done with the original which is bigger and I am using a special paper for markers. Soon Ill be uploading the final:)
For the art project I am using professional markers which I had never used before. I am always so glad to discover new materials and tools, I recommend marker painting to all of you guys, Is very easy to use and you can experiment with it to create amazing textures, as soon as I finish with my art work I will also post some pics of the cool effects I discovered:)