jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Slinky experiment

Hey guys, today I remembered about the first IA I did and Physics and even though it was a complete failure I felt like sharing it here. Well, the thing was that our teacher asked us to investigate some property of a slinky spring. My group thought that we were too cool for school, and we could come out with an innovative experiment rather than sticking to the common and boring ones. So we decided to investigate the effect of the viscosity of the medium on the period of the slinky spring. Sounds pretty professional right? Well, our experiment consisted in measuring the period of a slinky submerged in water, honey mustard, ketchup... Do I really have to say what happened or can you just imagine? Apart from the fact that the slinky did not move in the mediums at all, it got very sticky and hard to clean up... :S I wonder if there is a way to carry out that experiment successfully. What do you think?
IB said we had to be risk takers, they did not mention that we should be successful too, so does that give us credit?

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